Meet Clare Brettschneider, CampKeeper at the Aqua Esfera campsite. We caught up with Clare as a part of our “Meet the CampKeeper” series, where we introduce you to the CampKeepers that make Tentrr possible.

How did you first hear about Tentrr?
I first heard about Tentrr from an ad in a magazine and thought it was a genius idea that I wish I’d had myself. We love our land and loved the idea of sharing it with people.

How was the onboarding process?
Wonderful. They were knowledgeable and enthusiastic.


How did you choose the location?
Choosing the campsite location was a really fun process. A scout from Tentrr came here, and we walked the property, looking at several different spots, and together with the scout, we decided on a location.

What is your relationship to the Catskills?
I actually grew up in Woodstock. I left for about 15 years, and as an adult I chose to come back.

What is the perfect day on your property?
There’s so many naturally occurring perfect days that it’s hard to say. I think any day on this land is perfect.

How do you greet the campers?
Well, I travel for work a bit so I’m not always here, but when I am here I always greet them. When I’m not here everything goes very smoothly, I can communicate with the campers over email and texting.


What type of experience do you want to provide campers?
I think that nature is really important for wellbeing. Most of my campers come from the city, so we want to provide space to detox, relax, and unplug.

What is one surprising thing about being a CampKeeper?
We were pleasantly surprised that we were booked solid for every weekend. We had such a great season and were able to pay our property tax off of what we made with Tentrr.

Are the campers respectful of your land?
The campers that we hosted were all very respectful and appreciated being in nature.

Click Here To Learn More And Apply To Become A CampKeeper.