this sh*t is bananas

A Trader Joe's Hater, And More Of This Week's 'One Main Character'

A Trader Joe's Hater, And More Of This Week's 'One Main Character'
For some, calling Trader Joe's a "chip and dip store" amounts to slander.
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Every day, somebody says or does something that earns them the scorn of the internet. Here at Digg, as part of our mission to curate what the internet is talking about right now, we rounded up the main characters on Twitter from this past week and held them accountable for their actions.

This week, we've got someone who doesn't understand the Trader Joe's hype, discourse about bananas in America and a person who's having an existential crisis.


Trader Joe's Hater

The character: Random Twitter user who hates the grocery store Trader Joe's

The plot: This guy hates Trader Joe's and will not stop tweeting about it!

The repercussion: A lot of people like Trader Joe's, as it turns out, and they did not stand idly by for the slander. Is there a cult around Trader Joe's? No. Will people not shut up about how great it is, likely triggering this dude's hot take? Perhaps. But they have cookie butter, which is excellent and I like very much. Okay, commence the dunking:

Jared Russo


Malcolm Harris

The character: Malcolm Harris, writer, historian, communist, banana man

The plot: Harris is a very cool cat. He's got a book out about a particular section of Silicon Valley and is an active banterer on Twitter. When he tweeted out a take about pro-growth lefties, and how "there just… won’t be bananas. Because it doesn’t make any other-than-capitalist sense to create a world-spanning daily banana infrastructure for people in Columbus, Ohio."

There's a lot going on, and the core issues being debated here, because of Harris, are de-growth leftism and pro-growth. The former is a more radical approach, while proponents of the latter have other ideas.

The repercussion: I'd like to eat my own words here and say that this one was a classic Twitter moment. Lasted days, involved people from all walks of life and spawned some wild tangential discussions.

Adwait Patil


trash jones

The character: trash jones, Twitter user, person having an existential crisis

The plot: On Sunday, Twitter user trash jones sparked a site-wide debate after saying that people in their late twenties are experiencing existential crises because of the time they lost to the pandemic. They wrote that for themselves and their peers "relationships fast-tracked, careers faltered" and they "lost those core identity-building years."

The repercussion: The many responses to this take were mixed. Some people agreed, but most were of the view that the pandemic didn’t really steal three whole years of our lives, and that being in your mid-twenties feels like this for everyone, pandemic or no pandemic. Others also pointed out that the pandemic was inarguably a very sh—tty time, and we don’t need to be mean to someone whose experience of it was different or more difficult than ours.

Darcy Jimenez


Read the previous edition of our One Main Character column, which had disappointing photos of Guy Fieri, the FBI posting a bizarre tweet and the CEO of a major corporation being unsympathetic to strikers (shock horror).

Did we miss a main character from this week? Please send tips to [email protected].

[Image credit: Anthony92931]


  1. R.I. Tracy 9 months ago

    Trader Joe's has fun & tasty vegan treats — so I'm a fan. However, the shifting & chaotic nature of TJ's stock and lack of traffic 'flow' aggravate my anxiety.

  2. Edward Sung 9 months ago

    I'm a fan of Trader Joe's, but holy shit is the produce absolute garbage. It's fine if you use it immediately, or if it's something like sweet potatoes that take a long time to go bad. But it's always noticeably past its prime, even by supermarket standards. I am a sucker though for all the varieties of apples. It's gimmicky but I can't help it.

  3. Ratq Rado 9 months ago


  4. Frank Tanghare 9 months ago

    I always thought Trader Joe's was just expensive so I never went? Seems to be the opposite from those tweets?

    1. Tim McCarthy 9 months ago

      For the most part it is indeed the opposite. You can often get organic produce and dairy at Trader Joe's that's cheaper than even the regular stuff at the local grocer.

  5. John Doe 9 months ago

    Trader Joe's is a junk food store with great marketing. Their packaged products are nothing but empty carbs and fat. And they sell garbage wine. My local bodega has healthier options.

    If you are more than 2-3 years out of college (or beyond college age) and you shop at Trader Joe's, you need to take a hard look at your life. It is the Shein of food.

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