respect women

This MMA Fighter Attacked A Ring Girl On Live TV β€” What Happened Next Was Instant Karma

This MMA Fighter Attacked A Ring Girl On Live TV β€” What Happened Next Was Instant Karma
Ali Heibati was about to fight in his first MMA fight when he made the worst decision of his life.
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Don't worry, this video ends with some sweet justice for her.

Via hayjivepicks.


  1. John Doe 6 days ago

    That is why, ladies and gentlemen, you shouldn't hit ANYONE.

  2. Red Herring 1 week ago

    Attacked is a bit of a stretch. Most folks are gonna hear that and think he did more then hurt her pride, not that I'm on his side or anything. Keep your hands off the merchandise dude.

  3. Kraeg Minett 1 week ago

    Perhaps there are a few other reasons to not hit a woman, or anyone for that matter, as well? However, you can't argue with the karma of this situation. Love it.

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